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Slide creation

January 21, 2020
When creating text boxes for a slide it does not appear to be possible to separately format selected text. If you try to do this, all of the text in the text box is changed, not just the selected text.
Is there a way round this?
Posted by Alastair
January 21, 2020
That is possible in "Songs", but not Slides yet. We plan to offer that in an upcoming release later this year.
Posted by Adam
January 21, 2020
For now many users use Google Slides or PowerPoint to achieve more complex formatting.
Posted by Adam
November 12, 2020
We have responsive reading slides, so I need to have some text in italics and some text in bold...have been using Power Point to create slides and import them to the Media library. Would be great to have more control over slide formatting in the program itself.
Posted by Stacey
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