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Song vs cue transition times

April 7, 2020
Hi, currently the transition time setting (both the default setting and the individual setting within a cue) sets the transition time between each slide. Could you add the ability to set a different transition time from cue to cue, rather than just slide to slide?

For example, I would like the slides in my songs to have a .5sec transition time, but I would like the transition between songs to be longer. This feature accomplishes too things, the first is obvious, having less abrupt background changes and smoother transitions, but also, if you add a pad as an audio track, the longer the transition time, the longer the fade out and the more seamless the audio transition. I noticed that if I set the transition time to 3 seconds, then the fade on my pads is almost unnoticeable. But I can't work with 3second transition times because that's way too slow for lyric transitions.

Thank you!
Posted by AJ
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