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Liturgical Texts Section/Type

January 30, 2024
As part of a liturgical church (Anglican), we use a common worship liturgical book on every kind of service.

We're currently handling everything as slides, but it would be SOOOOO good and convenient to have a separate type of content that allowed us to import our liturgical texts and reference them to auto-populate them on slides, just like Scripture does.

In our case, if the feature was there, I'd volunteer to parse our liturgical book into the expected content format (it's public domain, so no issue with copyrights). Other liturgical churches can do the same I'm sure.
Posted by Diego
March 25, 2024
Yes - we've currently 'hacked' this using a Songs with a Liturgy category - but having it's own library would make it much more maneageble.
Using the way that songs are setup is much more efficient than Slides (with templating).
Posted by Tony
April 8, 2024
we use slides, but would be good to be able to have a designated space.
Posted by Mark
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